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Discover the ICEII
Core Values of The ED Talk

At The ED Talk, we are driven by a set of fundamental principals that guide every episode of the show we produce, every discussion we host, and every project we embark on. 


Innovation: At The ED Talk we are passionate about pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons in education.  Our platform champions groundbreaking ideas, technologies, and methodologies that have the potential to revolutionize learning and teaching environments. Innovation is the spark that fuels our quest to transform education for the better. 


Community: At the heart of The ED Talk is our vibrant and diverse community of educators, learners, and thinkers. We believe in building strong, supportive networks where individuals can share experiences, challenges, and successes. Our community is a safe space for dialogue, collaboration, and growth, ensuring that no educator ever feels they are going it alone. 


Excellence: Excellence is our benchmark in everything we do at The ED Tak. From the quality of our content to the impact of our initiatives. We strive to exceed expectations. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our audience receives the most insightful, accurate, and actionable information available, empowering them to achieve their full potential. 


Inclusivity: Education is for everyone, and so is The ED Talk. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment for environment that respects and values diversity. By embracing a wide range of voices, perspectives, and experiences, we enrich our discussions, and the educational landscape, ensuring that all viewpoints are heard and valued. 

Image by Jason Goodman


Integrity: At The ED Talk, our foundation is built on honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct. We uphold these values in every interaction, content piece, and partnership. Integrity guides our decisions and actions, ensuring that we earn and maintain the trust of our community and stakeholders. 

The ICEII Core values of The ED Talk are more than just principals; they are a commitment to our audience and a reflection of our mission to inspire, empower, and innovate in the field of education. 

Join us here at The ED Talk as we explore the future of learning together, guided by the principals of Innovation, Community, Excellence, Inclusivity, and Integrity. 

© 2021 by The Ed Talk. All rights reserved.

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